History with Frontend Development
My first real experience with frontend development was not until my co-op. Being a computer science major, my education was more focused on algorithms and foundations rather than visual designs. My enjoyment with frontend work really stems from work with javascript and typescript. I love connecting things together to create something functional, with emphasis on being easy to maintain and reuse.
I would say CSS is not really a strength of mine (just yet, working on it), so I am mostly using Tailwind to keep things consistent. I am not using any templates or anything to base this site off of though, it's mostly for me to work on deployment skills and to generate a conversation piece.
Technologies used for this website
Spring: Originally I had planned to use React but with Angular 19 coming out recently, it seemed like a good opportunity to give it a try. I mostly focused on keeping things standalone since that was a big push for them, but am planning on messing around with the changes to signals.
Tailwind: My crutch, but at the same time, I see more and more development using it so I don’t feel that bad about it. I personally find it easier to read as I need to bounce less between HTML and CSS/LESS.
Deployment Notes
Deployment wasn't too bad, just a basic AWS S3 bucket that holds the site. The difficulty and learning curve really came from attaching it to my Porkbun url. I opted to not use AWS Route 53 because I wanted to have a little friction, to let me go off-tutorial and really understand the concepts rather than blindly follow tutorials.
What really stalled me for a while was getting https functional. I had some misconceptions in how certificates work and now they are registered. Overall not too bad and a worthwhile project just from how much I learned from it.